Donations seek to save Tunisia from the Covid disaster
When the Tunisian health system is on the verge of collapse after being overwhelmed by the urgency of Covid-19 cases, other countries and individuals have intervened to prevent the crisis.
European and Gulf states, overseas Tunisians and ordinary citizens have organized weapons and immunizations now helping to fight the epidemic.
A small North African nation of 12 million people struggled to come up with the necessary vaccines even before Covid-19 began to strike forcefully.
More than three million doses have been sent, most of which have been donated, reaching a total of five million by mid-August, the health department said.
China and the United Arab Emirates provided 500,000 doses, while neighboring Algeria donated 250,000
Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne from the French branch of European affairs and foreign affairs told AFP that France this week alone had sent more than a million doses of AstraZeneca and Janssen, enough to vaccinate "ten adults".
But whether it is because of the concerted efforts of Tunisian embassies or the lack of doses, vaccines are delayed.
Tunisia has received just six of the number of doses promised under the Covava program, which is set to ensure the optimal distribution of Covid-19 vaccines in low-income countries.
It now has one of the highest rates of coronavirus mortality.
According to an AFP report on Wednesday based on official reports, Tunisia recorded 1.4 daily deaths per 100,000 people over the past seven days, ranking the second worst in the world in the metric after Namibia.
Narrow Pits -
Tunisian internet users have shared videos of shocking families who can't find beds for loved ones, doctors worried about oxygen shortages and overcrowded bodies in wet pits.
Dr Hechmi Louzir of the Pasteur Institute in Tunis told AFP that donations would mean that the vaccination process could speed up, and thus reduce the spread of the virus.
Tunisia could "achieve our goal of vaccinating about 50 percent of the population by mid-October", he said.
In pre-Covid ‘normal’ times, Tunisian public hospitals experienced difficulties in poor management and equipment shortages.
At the beginning of the summer, they asked for help - protective equipment and specialized care equipment.
Teams including the national association of junior doctors, Tunisian ambassadors abroad and outside the private sector are organizing fundraising events.
"Social cohesion has saved Tunisia from a dangerous situation," said Dr. Cyrine Chedly, a member of the Kairouan Emergency Medical Association.
The city center is one of the first to be hit hardest by the epidemic, with some bodies being left lying in rooms near the hospital's 24-hour stay due to a shortage of staff at overcrowded mortuaries.
"Contributions of oxygen concentrators have led to a reduction in the number of critical cases and deaths" at the city's largest hospital, said Dr. Chedly.
- ICU beds -
Ons Jabeur, a well-known tennis player in Tokyo now at his third Olympics, sold two racquets and raised $ 27,000 to help support the critically ill section.
Prior to the epidemic, the country had only 90 ICU beds in the public sector: now, with the help of donations, it has 500.
Tunisian immigrants are allowed to import a single oxygen car, without import duties.
Doctors post pictures of these and other devices on social media, showing clients that they are being used.
But the provision of health care equipment may be characterized by problems with coordination and management constraints.
One hospital provided in May by the United States was not operational until July, and another, provided by Qatar, was not operational due to lack of oxygen.
Of the three oxygen generators, each can feed 300 beds continuously and provided by France in early June, only one fully operational.
During this time, France and Italy have sent containers loaded with oxygen cylinders to help resolve the deficit.
Arab countries including Algeria, Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have all exported medical equipment.
Mauritania even offered to export 15 tons of fish.
Donations alone will not end the problem caused by the mismanagement of social and political measures, which saw the succession of health ministers in the past year or so.
"We want public knowledge, sound control by the authorities in the health crisis and political stability," said Dr. Chedly in Kairouan.