Vaccinate at the library, zoo or while watching Bucks in Racine this week. Here's how
Isaiah Thomas, 15, received his first dose of Pfizer vaccine on Wednesday afternoon at the Racine Public Library.
"She was ready to go back to school and wanted to prevent her from catching COVID-19 as she was back in person," said her mother, Shalonda Thomas.
The library is one of several non-standard medical centers where the city is stepping up its efforts to vaccinate "emerging clinics."
The Racine City Department of Public Health and the Central Racine County Department of Health continue to urge residents to be vaccinated as COVID-19 cases increase among uninfected people.
"Wisconsin data show that, as of March, 95% of COVID-related deaths were among uninfected individuals and many new cases of COVID were being identified in the vaccinated community," said Central Racine County Health Officer Margaret Gesner. "Therefore, we continue to urge those who are not vaccinated to do so in order to protect themselves and our community."
Citizens were able to get injections at various clinics, including two health departments, local pharmacies and the Wisconsin Community-Based Immunization Department at the Emergency Mall.
There are two other clinics run by AMI this week on Saturday, July 17. These clinics are distributing Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson.